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Updated: Jan 27, 2022

Haven't you heard of a beautiful sculpture made of sandalwood? The smell and color of sandalwood are all unique.

That is why it is called sandalwood. How to use sandalwood for beauty care? What are the beauty treatments with sandalwood? What are the benefits to the skin from using these? Understand in detail.Sandalwood oil is one of the most widely used cosmetics. Sandalwood powder and sandalwood oil can be used to get rid of acne and dark spots on the face. It was customary to apply sandalwood on the face for glowing skin. But with the passage of time, the number of people using sandalwood also decreased.

Regular application of sandalwood on the skin will help you to look and feel your best.Aging of the skin is something that everyone looks at with a little concern. Here sandalwood will come to your rescue. Sandalwood oil helps to protect the skin like silk.

This will help to delay the onset of wrinkles or blemishes which are the main symptoms .

Sandalwood is rich in antioxidants that help fight skin damage caused by free radicals. Thus protecting the skin from wrinkles.

Apply a mixture of sandalwood oil mixed with honey and egg yolk and allow to dry for 20 minutes. After drying, rinse gently with cold water. Then apply a good moisturizer to your skin.

Regular use of sandalwood can help prevent acne. Add some turmeric powder and camphor and add sandalwood oil. Apply on face. Allow this mixture to remain on the face for about twenty minutes. Then rinse with clean water.Sandalwood helps to soften the skin by removing blemishes on the face. Sandalwood oil can be selected for this. If it is not available, take pure sandalwood powder, soak it in any suitable oil and let it sit for about 12 hours. Then massage well on the face and rinse off with water for a while.

Sandalwood oil is a great way to help remove sunburn. Sandalwood oil or sandalwood powder can be selected for this. Make a paste with honey, lemon juice and yoghurt. Apply it on the face and let it dry for a 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.

Sandalwood can protect the body from heat and provide warmth. For this you can choose pure sandalwood oil or sandalwood powder.

Sandalwood is one of the most natural remedies for your eczema problems. To cure this, apply 1-2 drops of sandalwood oil daily on the eczema affected area. Can be used both on consecutive days. Regular use can help solve this problem.

Not all skin conditions are the same.

Some people have dry skin while others have an oily skin.

Some people have a combination of the two, while others have normal skin.

Of these, dry skin is generally the most difficult to care for. This type of skin will look older.

This is because when the skin dries out, wrinkles appear on the skin and the skin sags.

All this makes the skin look older. Another problem faced by dry skin is the loss of radiance and the appearance of lifelessness.

There are several home remedies that can be used to treat such problems. You can try making a special face pack at home to brighten your face and remove facial wrinkles.

All it takes is two ingredients. These include egg whites and aloe vera.

Eggs are just as good for skin care as they are for health. It is rich in nutrients.

Egg water is rich not only in egg health but also in cosmetic properties.

Egg whites are one of the many solutions to many beauty problems.

Its proteins and albumin provide many benefits to the skin.

Egg whites help to thicken and tone the skin and shrink large skin pores.

Aloe vera is one of the most sought after fruits in the world today. It is equally beneficial for health, beauty and the hair care.

Aloe vera has many beauty benefits for the skin. These range from color to good skin. Vitamin E in it is very helpful for the skin.

Glowing skin and smooth skin are other benefits.

To do this, take the egg white. Add aloe vera gel and mix well. It can be applied is on the face.

You can apply it on the face twice a day in a small amount. Wash it off when it dries.

Doing this two or three times a week will make a significant difference.

This is one of the things that helps to brighten dry skin. It moisturizes the face. Gives softness to the face.

This particular pack is also an important way to make your face look younger. It is something that gives elasticity to the skin. Anything that helps to remove wrinkles on the skin like this.

All of these are problems that people with dry skin face. This particular pack is a good solution for this.

.Turmeric not only adds color and flavor to your favorite curries, but more than that.

Turmeric contains curcumin and which has anti-inflammatory to and antioxidant properties.

It helps to neutralize free radicals and is effective in treating dry skin.

To apply on the face, mix honey, milk and turmeric together and apply this mixture on the face once a week.

It is also good for the skin to reduce facial discoloration and acne and acne scars.

Coconut oil is a great way to combat dry skin in winter. Applying coconut oil on the skin helps in moisturizing the skin in the best way. In addition to coconut oil, shea butter, almond oil and aloe vera gel can also be used.

They can be applied after bathing and in cases where the skin is more dry.

Our skin naturally produces oil. This helps protect the skin from losing moisture,

but daily activities and the weather can cause your skin to lose its natural oil. So the oil can be applied externally.

Applying the oil before bathing will help to restore the skin's radiance and protective moisture.

If you do not have acne prone skin, coconut oil, olive oil or castor oil may be a good natural remedy for dry skin.

Drinking warm or lukewarm water improves blood circulation, nourishes smooth and radiant skin, revitalizes hair, improves hair texture and accelerates hair growth.

Apply oil and massage oil at least 10 to 30 minutes before bathing

Bathe in lukewarm water with mild soap

Apply moisturizer immediately after bathing and before going to bed

Drink 6 to 8 glasses of lukewarm water every day

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season

Reduce stress and ensure good sleep. Mix sandalwood and rose water with honey and turmeric and make a pack for the face.

Mix all the ingredients well in a bowl and make a smooth paste. Apply this paste a on the affected areas.

Once it is dry, rinse with warm water. This mask will help you to get rid of acne and blemishes.It has a cooling effect.

Add sandalwood powder and lemon juice and mix well to make a paste. After cleansing your face, apply this mixture on your face and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.

Then rinse your face with cold water. This face mask is ideal for the oily skin.

It helps to tighten the pores of the skin and control the excess sebum (oily) produced in the skin.It is very good to rub blood sandalwood in milk and put it on the face.

It is also very good for removing blemishes on the face and giving softness to the face. It is also one of the best results to get rid of acne scars and small pores. Milk moisturizes the skin.

This combination is also very good for removing acne on the face. Unboiled milk is better to use for this.

A pack of yogurt, blood sandalwood and milk is also very good for the face.

Add a tablespoon of blood sandalwood powder, milk and yoghurt and mix well. Add a pinch of a turmeric and mix well.

Apply this paste on your face and let it to dry for an few minutes. Now rinse with plain water and wipe your face.

Use this remedy to once or twice an week for the best results.

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